- Red-throated diver
- Great Northern Diver
- (Pacific Diver x2 West Wales and Cornwall)
- White Billed Diver (Cornwall)
- Little Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Red-necked Grebe
- Black-necked grebe
- Cormorant
- Bittern
- Little Egret
- Grey heron
- Mute Swan
- Bewick's Swan
- Whooper Swan
- Bean Goose
- Pinkfooted Geese
- Greylag
- Canada
- Barnacle
- Brent Geese (Dark and Pale Bellied)
- Egyptian
- (Tundra bean Goose)
- Shelduck
- Mandarin
- Wigeon
- American Wigeon
- Gadwall
- Teal
- Mallard
- Pintail
- Shoveler
- Pochard
- Ring-necked Duck (Kent)
- Fudge Duck (Kent)
- Tufted
- Eider
- Long tailed
- Common Scoter
- Velvet Scoter
- Goldeneye
- Smew
- Red breasted Merganser
- Goosander
- Ruddy Duck
- Red Kite
- Marsh harrier
- Hen Harrier
- Goshawk
- Sparrowhawk
- Buzzard
- Rough legged Buzzard
- Gry Falcon
- Kestrel
- Merlin
- Peregrine
- Black-eared Kite
- Red legged Partridge
- Grey partridge
- Pheasant
- Golden Pheasant
- Water Rail
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Oystercatcher
- Avocet
- Ringed Plover
- Golden Plover
- Grey Plover
- Lapwing
- Knot
- Sanderling
- Little Stint
- Temminck's Stint
- Long Billed Dowitcher
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Dunlin
- Black tailed Godwit
- Bar tailed Godwit
- Curlew
- Spotted redshank
- Redshank
- Greenshank
- Turnstone
- Great Skua
- Med Gull
- Black headed
- Ring-billed
- Common
- Lesser black backed
- Herring
- Iceland
- Glaucous
- Great black backed
- Yellow legs
- Franklin's
- (Feral Pig)
- Stock Dove
- Woodpigeon
- Collared Dove
- Ring-necked Parakeet
- Greater Spotted Cuckoo
- Little Owl
- Short eared Owl
- Green Woodie
- Greater Spot Woodie
- Skylark
- Meadow Pipit
- Grey Wagtail
- Pied Wagtail
- Wren
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Stonechat
- Blackbird
- Song Thrush
- Redwing
- Mistle Thrush
- Lesser Whitethroat (possible almost impossible to say...Central Asian (halimodendri)
- Blackcap
- Yellow browed Warbler
- Longtailed tit
- Marsh tit
- Coal tit
- Blue tit
- Great tit
- Nuthatch
- Treecreeper
- Great grey Shrike
- Jay
- Magpie
- Chough
- Jackdaw
- Rook
- Carrion crow
- Hooded Crow
- Raven
- Starling
- House Sparrow
- Tree Sparrow
- Chafinch
- Brambling
- Greenfinch
- Goldfinch
- Siskin
- Linnent
- Lesser Redpoll
- Mealy Redpoll
- Bullfinch
- Hawfinch
- Yellowhammer
- Little Bunting
- Reed Bunting
- Corn Bunting
- Penduline Tit
Some dips - Scaup and Lesser Scaup, Lesser Spot Woody, Tawny Owl ,LBDowitcher (finally sorted last week!!)Smew until Dunge,
Looking forward to the migrants arriving and a trip to Scotland for the specialities.......
To be sorted -BOU Life List and UK Life List
Must sort out my Western P list and my Espana List
The World list is currently 1148 wonder what will be the 1150?
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