Friday, 16 March 2007

Heard first Chiffchaff yesterday at Rainham marshes....seemed like several around but could we spot the little sweetie...nope!!
But did see one of the Penduline Tits! However the object of the exercise was somewhat thwarted when the person with me was so far away by the time I had found it and was in my scope(they were looking at a Little Egret!!! Now lovely as they are.....!)...she got back looked in the scope it got moved somehow and bird flew deeper into the reed bed....not to be seen again. At least not by us.

Lovely day and we also saw a Water Vole....very nice too.

So will add to the year list.

Sunday, 11 March 2007

2007 Year List uk

Birds seen this year
  1. Red-throated diver
  2. Great Northern Diver
  3. (Pacific Diver x2 West Wales and Cornwall)
  4. White Billed Diver (Cornwall)
  5. Little Grebe
  6. Great Crested Grebe
  7. Red-necked Grebe
  8. Black-necked grebe
  9. Cormorant
  10. Bittern
  11. Little Egret
  12. Grey heron
  13. Mute Swan
  14. Bewick's Swan
  15. Whooper Swan
  16. Bean Goose
  17. Pinkfooted Geese
  18. Greylag
  19. Canada
  20. Barnacle
  21. Brent Geese (Dark and Pale Bellied)
  22. Egyptian
  23. (Tundra bean Goose)
  24. Shelduck
  25. Mandarin
  26. Wigeon
  27. American Wigeon
  28. Gadwall
  29. Teal
  30. Mallard
  31. Pintail
  32. Shoveler
  33. Pochard
  34. Ring-necked Duck (Kent)
  35. Fudge Duck (Kent)
  36. Tufted
  37. Eider
  38. Long tailed
  39. Common Scoter
  40. Velvet Scoter
  41. Goldeneye
  42. Smew
  43. Red breasted Merganser
  44. Goosander
  45. Ruddy Duck
  46. Red Kite
  47. Marsh harrier
  48. Hen Harrier
  49. Goshawk
  50. Sparrowhawk
  51. Buzzard
  52. Rough legged Buzzard
  53. Gry Falcon
  54. Kestrel
  55. Merlin
  56. Peregrine
  57. Black-eared Kite
  58. Red legged Partridge
  59. Grey partridge
  60. Pheasant
  61. Golden Pheasant
  62. Water Rail
  63. Moorhen
  64. Coot
  65. Oystercatcher
  66. Avocet
  67. Ringed Plover
  68. Golden Plover
  69. Grey Plover
  70. Lapwing
  71. Knot
  72. Sanderling
  73. Little Stint
  74. Temminck's Stint
  75. Long Billed Dowitcher
  76. Spotted Sandpiper
  77. Dunlin
  78. Black tailed Godwit
  79. Bar tailed Godwit
  80. Curlew
  81. Spotted redshank
  82. Redshank
  83. Greenshank
  84. Turnstone
  85. Great Skua
  86. Med Gull
  87. Black headed
  88. Ring-billed
  89. Common
  90. Lesser black backed
  91. Herring
  92. Iceland
  93. Glaucous
  94. Great black backed
  95. Yellow legs
  96. Franklin's
  97. (Feral Pig)
  98. Stock Dove
  99. Woodpigeon
  100. Collared Dove
  101. Ring-necked Parakeet
  102. Greater Spotted Cuckoo
  103. Little Owl
  104. Short eared Owl
  105. Green Woodie
  106. Greater Spot Woodie
  107. Skylark
  108. Meadow Pipit
  109. Grey Wagtail
  110. Pied Wagtail
  111. Wren
  112. Dunnock
  113. Robin
  114. Stonechat
  115. Blackbird
  116. Song Thrush
  117. Redwing
  118. Mistle Thrush
  119. Lesser Whitethroat (possible almost impossible to say...Central Asian (halimodendri)
  120. Blackcap
  121. Yellow browed Warbler
  122. Longtailed tit
  123. Marsh tit
  124. Coal tit
  125. Blue tit
  126. Great tit
  127. Nuthatch
  128. Treecreeper
  129. Great grey Shrike
  130. Jay
  131. Magpie
  132. Chough
  133. Jackdaw
  134. Rook
  135. Carrion crow
  136. Hooded Crow
  137. Raven
  138. Starling
  139. House Sparrow
  140. Tree Sparrow
  141. Chafinch
  142. Brambling
  143. Greenfinch
  144. Goldfinch
  145. Siskin
  146. Linnent
  147. Lesser Redpoll
  148. Mealy Redpoll
  149. Bullfinch
  150. Hawfinch
  151. Yellowhammer
  152. Little Bunting
  153. Reed Bunting
  154. Corn Bunting
  155. Penduline Tit
BOU 154 (updated 16/03)

Some dips - Scaup and Lesser Scaup, Lesser Spot Woody, Tawny Owl ,LBDowitcher (finally sorted last week!!)Smew until Dunge,
Looking forward to the migrants arriving and a trip to Scotland for the specialities.......
To be sorted -BOU Life List and UK Life List
Must sort out my Western P list and my Espana List
The World list is currently 1148 wonder what will be the 1150?