Sunday 24 January 2010

Cant add pages

eek frustration....cant add pages....must work this out!

Monday 14 January 2008

January 12th

West Norfolk


Terrington Marsh

Roydon Common



January 8th

On route

Cley Village


Cley Centre

on route


Sunday 6th January

Today to


On route

Wellard Marsh


Scotney GPs


1st day of the year 2008

A New Year a new UK Year List

Every bird becomes a new fresh bird and you really look at them!

So to local patches today as the weather was very overcast and I thought that if it got any worse I could always get home quickly!

Bedfont Lakes Country Park

(List here)
Staines Reservoirs

(List here)

Barnes Wildlife and Wetland Trust (London)

(list here)

Monday 31 December 2007

This was meant to be where I kept my lists! but I cant find a way to do tabs within the site and having asked one friend that seemed to have been forgotten. I will try again later.

Year List UK 237(BOU) struggled up to that over the last month...some easy birds missing!

631 species seen this year including non BOU and World Birds thats not so bad!!!

Lifers well 262 (Costa Rica) (will do a list later!)
Espana 8(WP) Wallcreeper, Lammergeir, Citril Finch, Alpine Accenter, Dupont's Lark, Orphean Warbler, Caspian Tern and Alpine Chough (Yellow bills!)
UK 7 BOU + 4 Non BOU
White-billed Diver, Gyr Falcon, Isabelline Shrike,Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Dusky Warbler Red breasted Goose and Buff-bellied Pipit being lifers
Brown Flycatcher, Pacific Diver and Black-eared Kite(non bou) lifers
Asian Lesser Whitethroat (sub species?)